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Wednesday 1 February 2012 in a POD...........................................................

first february twenty twelve

.                   i wrote this blog post on the tenth of October twenty eleven .... , and could 'nt publish it  ....    because life took a left turn ... and i felt like an imposter.....

                i wrote a few more blog posts after that too , all these have sat in the blogger archives ......

 blogging for me , is an extension of my thoughts ... and being the compulsive thinker that i am  ... it has become a very satiating and gratifying experience to realize my thoughts down onto a virtual but set space ..............

............................reading my then thoughts ,  today  , as maybe a stranger or maybe a friend might read it .... gave me  an insight to so many various different aspects that jigsaws ones puzzle of  LIFE , in its entirety .....

          so iv decided to go ahead and share that beautiful sacred space of time ..... which will always
             remain special matter what path ,  fate has planned .......................................................

                                                  "LIVING IN A POD"

ten October twenty eleven ........................

....its been a while , writers block , some may say , i don't think of myself as a writer though ........

           a thinker , a contemplater , a dreamer , a cook , a mum , a wife ,  a WOMAN

  , let me explain

                i have been in limbo.......................struggling with the yin and yang of this temporary life

                    you know , i am so much of either  , white or black ..................cant seem to find  the GREY ................. its so bloody elusive !! .................. and i am just tired , tired of chasing that perfect fit ... the glove fit of serenity , ease , happiness , peace , joy ...............
                            is it ludicrous to keep on searching for that GREY ... when you know actually you are predominantly BLACK

               what in the world is she talking about ? ......................... i hear some of you say............
                 just rambling on .................

                       i had three perfect days of GREY ............ recently

          you know the kind of days ,
                    that are just perfect , perfect weather , no wind , blue skies , even the sunshine is just the right shade of bright ! , yes , those kind of days


.................and like all perfect moments , happen , everything just falls into place with minimum effort .................
                    , i just happened to mention to A that wouldn't it be fantastic to go to  Cape Town ..... its been a few months since our last trip *hint hint* .............. he calls me a few days later .........yip , the trip is on ! ............. work and play again ! .............

       and i am really a sucker for luxury , .............. l love it luxe

                so i search for our ....pied-a terre......... "home away from home" ........
              well , not really .............. a lil more , actually ............and the place that i had been perving for a long long while now , is available  ........ yes  ................ please confirm  !..................

             we drive up to Camps Bay .................. the mighty Atlantic Ocean to our right ,
               it is a sight so wondrous , so vast and far reaching ..................... and the majestic                         
                                         Table  Mountain , to our left

               we turn left into Argyle Road , and drive up to no 3 ........... "POD" kid on the block of boutique hotels ........HOT HOT HOT .....................

                    ahem .................its little wonder 'POD' appears on Conde Nast Hot List 2011 , and finds its place among Tatlers 101 Best Hotels in the world

                                              POD is a luxury boutique hotel like no other ......................

                                                                                                    fifteen rooms , sharing the glory of the mountain and sea views , present the pinnacle of modern design and architecture - instilling a sense of seaside sophistication , so often attempted , so rarely achieved.

                       COOL BEYOND QUESTION.....................


                                                   BAREFOOT LUXURY

Cocooned in privacy and immersed in tranquil air ..........................
                                                       friendly staff cater to every need and desire need to lift a finger....................

             RAW YET POLISHED..................

                   Frequented by celebrities and alive with culture , Camps Bay is one of the worlds most desirable destinations

                      sun , sea and nightlife ................. all yours to enjoy

   immersed in such a cocooned 'POD'  .......... it would be difficult not to  feel pampered , sanctuaried , pampered again ............... quiet , soft service .................... the mind , body and soul were in unison ...............
                           this time most definitely for both A and myself ............ in unison

                 with two souls now in tandem ............... the oyster was there for the taking

                 we dined out at our old favourite ' HAIKU '................Asian Fusion Cuisine again .......... with a very spicy edge ................. the food was good ............ the mood of haiku  ,  is exactly like how i like it ................ loud , dark , moody but electric vibe ............... trance like ............
                     we ate , we savoured the food and each others company ...............
                                                  we talked , we heard one another .............
                             souls have to be in tandem ............ to hear one another speak

   so often , so loud are the disturbances of life .............. we speak ............ but .......... we don't hear

                                      the days passed in a haze ............... slow ,  satiating , sexy

                   the Cape Coast always turned me on ............ especially the ruggedness and masculinity that it possesses .................

                       three days of balance ............ a balance that seemed unattainable in fast paced Jozi

     yet ,  so in the palm of ones hand ............. here

               not in any way .............. a reality ,  for ever ........................
                              a lesson to learn ... maybe

                                  a moment to grab ..................... with both hands ,,,,,,,,,,,, yes

                        i know what i want ....................... if only it were not so