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Sunday 18 March 2012

..... you will touch the STARS KEEDOS............

...i really have absconded for quite a while ........purging my daily thoughts onto my facebook pg ... my stats on my blog .......though ... show continual growth and for that worldwide support , i am humbled I'm back .... with my storytelling ......I'm evolving all the time ... rapidly ... when i started blogging ...... i was a different individual ....... in the midst of a shaded forest , high green trees , no sunlight , so i blogged about my reality , yes ,  my reality , my material reality ..........which is , me ... not in denial about that ...........since then ........iv started a philosophical journey , which i have come to realise has no end cant .....else i would stagnate ............and that i cant afford , for myself......

......iv decided to just blog my daily thoughts .......and the obsessive thinker that i am , always has myriads of thoughts fighting for space in my brain ....amidst looking after four keedos .......i need a daily outlet ............

SO .......yesterday , we ventured out into High School Open Days ....... i will have my two eldest keedos foraying into this new world next year ....Parktown Girls High ..........for Nabeela , my daughter , was our first school to visit

          i was captivated ! .......i am an individual who takes in everything , all of the time ... as i am blogging this now , I'm walking through the school gates

   Tall red brick buildings aura of history , great vision , literature , permeated the air for me

Excited , i think , i was , more than Nabeela , my daughter , for whom we were school scouting........
Long corridors .......... i could almost hear hymn singing ........Peering into the most interesting subject rooms ........with now technologically challenging names ........being out of school for 22 years ......was evident ..........biology is now natural sciences , history is social sciences ........and so forth ......
it indeed is amazing , French as a second or a third language , equestrian sports ..............

the smell of books .........oh ! how i love and have always loved , since i was just a little girl , equally ...the musty smell of the yellowed with age ,  pages of an old book .........or the brand new smell of crisp new pages , with a shiny cover .........these books were my life , my friends escapism ........i spent hours upon hours at the public libraries ........perusing through fiction and non fiction .........i could not get enough ......and my dear dad indulged me so .... every Sunday morning ........he would take me to the CNA and let me choose a book love for words , their beauty , their depth emanated from that exposure.......

walking through the buildings of the school .....that smell of books and academia permeated the air so thick ..i felt like breathing it in again ..........all for myself ...........

getting back to Nabeela .........she potters around in the kitchen , much because of her little brothers insistent demands of her making snacks for them daily .........i see she doesn't take to it well .......

so today , the family gathered around the breakfast island ...chatting like we always do ..........i asked her to remember the beautiful Art Centre that we visited at the school . I asked her to visualise one particular piece that she loved
       was an oil canvas painting , using mediums of oil paints in peacock colours , oil pastels with some charcoal sketching almost making it three dimensional ...........a fabulous piece ,,,,,,,,,,,  a true work of art  ... a beautiful self creation , an expression of an individual just like her .........

         i assimilated cooking in a like mannered way toward her ........talking to her ... but my boys were silent , ears pricked ......they were enjoying this too............

for arguments sake , i used a simple example , an egg .Eating an egg , simply prepared , would give one sustenance , yes ........but that's it
            lets take that egg , Nabeela , whisk it .........lets make an omelette today
........we will add red onions ........cheddar , gouda and feta cheese , chilli , peppers and for some fine indulgence ..
..lets add some slivered pieces of Scottish salmon .......
  imagine Nabeela , each taste sensation , each mouthful is going to bring to you ................

                   .you Will feel pride
                       a humbled pride , of your own creation......

and the intention of having that family conversation ,  was not that of the cooking .... it was that of a mother talking to a daughter and her three sons ...........about LIFE ............i believe my keedos understood it all ...........

           A LIFE LESSON ..........i believe in this obsessively
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't waste your time doing anything for the sake of it will do it with mediocrity it with real PASSION and DEPTH .............
                        most importantly ,
                                                          do it for for YOURSELF ........


. will touch the STARS keedos .........................

Wednesday 1 February 2012 in a POD...........................................................

first february twenty twelve

.                   i wrote this blog post on the tenth of October twenty eleven .... , and could 'nt publish it  ....    because life took a left turn ... and i felt like an imposter.....

                i wrote a few more blog posts after that too , all these have sat in the blogger archives ......

 blogging for me , is an extension of my thoughts ... and being the compulsive thinker that i am  ... it has become a very satiating and gratifying experience to realize my thoughts down onto a virtual but set space ..............

............................reading my then thoughts ,  today  , as maybe a stranger or maybe a friend might read it .... gave me  an insight to so many various different aspects that jigsaws ones puzzle of  LIFE , in its entirety .....

          so iv decided to go ahead and share that beautiful sacred space of time ..... which will always
             remain special matter what path ,  fate has planned .......................................................

                                                  "LIVING IN A POD"

ten October twenty eleven ........................

....its been a while , writers block , some may say , i don't think of myself as a writer though ........

           a thinker , a contemplater , a dreamer , a cook , a mum , a wife ,  a WOMAN

  , let me explain

                i have been in limbo.......................struggling with the yin and yang of this temporary life

                    you know , i am so much of either  , white or black ..................cant seem to find  the GREY ................. its so bloody elusive !! .................. and i am just tired , tired of chasing that perfect fit ... the glove fit of serenity , ease , happiness , peace , joy ...............
                            is it ludicrous to keep on searching for that GREY ... when you know actually you are predominantly BLACK

               what in the world is she talking about ? ......................... i hear some of you say............
                 just rambling on .................

                       i had three perfect days of GREY ............ recently

          you know the kind of days ,
                    that are just perfect , perfect weather , no wind , blue skies , even the sunshine is just the right shade of bright ! , yes , those kind of days


.................and like all perfect moments , happen , everything just falls into place with minimum effort .................
                    , i just happened to mention to A that wouldn't it be fantastic to go to  Cape Town ..... its been a few months since our last trip *hint hint* .............. he calls me a few days later .........yip , the trip is on ! ............. work and play again ! .............

       and i am really a sucker for luxury , .............. l love it luxe

                so i search for our ....pied-a terre......... "home away from home" ........
              well , not really .............. a lil more , actually ............and the place that i had been perving for a long long while now , is available  ........ yes  ................ please confirm  !..................

             we drive up to Camps Bay .................. the mighty Atlantic Ocean to our right ,
               it is a sight so wondrous , so vast and far reaching ..................... and the majestic                         
                                         Table  Mountain , to our left

               we turn left into Argyle Road , and drive up to no 3 ........... "POD" kid on the block of boutique hotels ........HOT HOT HOT .....................

                    ahem .................its little wonder 'POD' appears on Conde Nast Hot List 2011 , and finds its place among Tatlers 101 Best Hotels in the world

                                              POD is a luxury boutique hotel like no other ......................

                                                                                                    fifteen rooms , sharing the glory of the mountain and sea views , present the pinnacle of modern design and architecture - instilling a sense of seaside sophistication , so often attempted , so rarely achieved.

                       COOL BEYOND QUESTION.....................


                                                   BAREFOOT LUXURY

Cocooned in privacy and immersed in tranquil air ..........................
                                                       friendly staff cater to every need and desire need to lift a finger....................

             RAW YET POLISHED..................

                   Frequented by celebrities and alive with culture , Camps Bay is one of the worlds most desirable destinations

                      sun , sea and nightlife ................. all yours to enjoy

   immersed in such a cocooned 'POD'  .......... it would be difficult not to  feel pampered , sanctuaried , pampered again ............... quiet , soft service .................... the mind , body and soul were in unison ...............
                           this time most definitely for both A and myself ............ in unison

                 with two souls now in tandem ............... the oyster was there for the taking

                 we dined out at our old favourite ' HAIKU '................Asian Fusion Cuisine again .......... with a very spicy edge ................. the food was good ............ the mood of haiku  ,  is exactly like how i like it ................ loud , dark , moody but electric vibe ............... trance like ............
                     we ate , we savoured the food and each others company ...............
                                                  we talked , we heard one another .............
                             souls have to be in tandem ............ to hear one another speak

   so often , so loud are the disturbances of life .............. we speak ............ but .......... we don't hear

                                      the days passed in a haze ............... slow ,  satiating , sexy

                   the Cape Coast always turned me on ............ especially the ruggedness and masculinity that it possesses .................

                       three days of balance ............ a balance that seemed unattainable in fast paced Jozi

     yet ,  so in the palm of ones hand ............. here

               not in any way .............. a reality ,  for ever ........................
                              a lesson to learn ... maybe

                                  a moment to grab ..................... with both hands ,,,,,,,,,,,, yes

                        i know what i want ....................... if only it were not so