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Sunday 17 July 2011 appetite is whet.......................

    .............i have always been a thinker, a bit more on the serious side, contemplating outcomes too much, and somehow.........missing out alot on what life had to offer....................iv been told i think too much, much of the time to my own detriment.......i analyse, analyse and analyse again,,,,,,,,,,,,i woke up.......somewhere in my thirties..........and let me announce..........i am going for 40,,,,,,,,,,40 years old, that is....and feeling fabulous,,,,,,,,,iv come into my own space, a space where i reign supreme, im comfortable in my own skin,  confident in my own skin...........i pretty much like how iv turned out adult.......AT LAST..........


                                                                                                iv  travelled along Lifes paths.....a chosen destiny, so to reach my current destination,,,,,  its been pretty tumultuous at times.........iv become even stronger ...............a plus out of a minus................... iv always in essence been an emotional persona   ..............i see and feel emotion in human relationships....i feel emotion in living life.....everyday life. that is, theres incredible emotion in everyday existence.......even just the ordinary day to day cooking,,,,,,,,i promise you,,,,,,,is no mundane to me..........its me encapsulated.......

             always milling thoughts around .....when im driving, showering, drying my hair...............this is how i see this blog to be,,,,,,,,,,,me talking to myself........... and entertaining myself with what entertains me daily..........deciding to actually start the process of realizing my thoughts from a virtual space into a visual space has been , to put it opening of the floodgates  ,its like opening up a Pandora's collated thoughts,, all archived and stowed some where in those brain cells,,,,,,,,can finally be creatively processed and WOW........its a fantastic satiating have this outlet............i really dont know where to start...............

                    what i can the juices are appetite is whet..............iv got childhood cooking memoirs in those archives,,,of my dear mother.....who .........instilled in me, my passion for cooking..........sublime dishes that i have tasted in pavement cafes,,,,,,,,luxurious artistic works that i have savoured in the "Pigalles" and five star establishments..........simple comfort foods like a good toasted sarmie.........traditional authentic dishes.........that i have mastered to perfection..................theres so much that i want to share...........................................bring on the 'apertifs'................non-alcoholic, if u please!...................


............SO YUM...............@................So Yum..............................

.......So today, there was a separation of the sexes in our home ,,,, boys , three of them, to be numerically accurate, and their dad, my husband, whom i shall enthusiastically   (well , most of the time, anyway, ok ,  to be politically correct, some of the time)   refer to as 'A' my writings .......... bade us girls,  myself and my daughter , "Adios" favour of  the WWE World Tour.   Tickets were bought in my physical presence, months ago, "four tickets,please".... with no invitation for us felines...........WELL,,,,,,,,we didnt want to go anyway!!!!!!!!

    that left Nabeela and i with a whole glorious Sunday i have been thinking about this particular Sunday in question, for a few days now..... what were we going to do?..........i had the answer,,,,quite proudly and defiantly ,  i announced to the boys and to  A that we , us girls were going to see a chick flick.."Bridesmaids"......oh yes,,,,, see you later guys,,,,,,,,toodledoo.....................
......@ the movies i realized....nope....we cudnt do the movie thing.... age restriction!..big thing in our home....and now im really thinking....what are we going to do.......the rumblings of my tummy........came to our course........lunch!......but wait.....lets indulge, today,,,, after all,, wev been ditched, sniff sniff,,,,,,,,,,and when it comes to food,,,,,,,grin!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  'so yum' a favourite restaurant that A and i tend to frequent......... asian fusion cuisine,,,,asian style tapas,,,oodles of noodles.......soothing teas,,,,,,,,all in a sexy , sophisticated doesnt get any better,,,,, i do believe in exposing keedos to all and sundry , in terms of food  ,,, keedos , all four of them, , including Mikaeel, six years old, will happily tuck into platter after platter of sushi,,,,,,,manouvering those chopsticks with skill,,,,,,,,,its only mum, who just cant get the hang of those bloody sticks!!!!!!!! i eat my sushi with my hands,,,,,,,,its finger food,, after all............... 


we ordered prawn dim sum.......which is prawn steamed in a rice pastry,,,,this could be a bit bland on its own,,,,,,,,,,it has to be dipped into a fish soy sauce with chopped green chillis........the melange of tastes is subtle yet strong and spicy......its addictive!..........wasabi coated peanuts , complimentary,,,,,,and i really wanted to ask for more!,,,,,,,,,,Mains were cantonese noodles...pad thai with prawns,,,,,,,,,, the asians use similar spices ,  akin to indian spices,,, yet the variation in the outcomes of the taste of their dishes is so so comparison to an indian curry........

                                i wouldnt play one off against the other,,,,,,,,theyre both unique and can be appreciated seperately.......we can eat indian today ......and .........asian tomorrow,,,,,,,,,,,after all.........variety is the spice of life!!...................

cantonese pad thai with prawns,oyster mushrooms,peppers,

spices for sprinkling over your dish,,sweet,strong and sour

prawn dim sum


............."a life without passion .. is .. a life of futility"..................................................................

i  look at myself today, as objectively as i realistically can muster up the courage to do so , which in reality can be quite subjective.......... and daunting, to say the least!   ok!        here goes .....,,

 i am Naadia V, i am married, and the hat that i wear with ,,absolute pride,,is that of    "mum"..........yip,,   i do have a story to tell, like most mums out there, do ,  i am mum to four, yes, you have read correctly, four special kids, whom i tend to refer to,  in my writings as ,  "keedos"....................
                                                           so the story goes ...........i  landed up with this bountiful brood, not by chance or default, like some would like to believe , and i quote , and i dont lie...........'''FOUR ! kids'''...........followed by a polite silence..........depending on my mood, i might then decide to elaborate..........recently i just smile smugly and enjoy the compliments   "and you look great for a woman who has four kids"  ...........and reply " my personal trainer" lies there..........just an evasion of the truth..which i have learnt through testy times is not the same as lying............................or is it?

.........coming back to keedos then, i couldnt conceive, adopted my first two keedos and with the blessings of the Almighty, conceived keedos number three and four,,, "Miraculously!!!"  ....Well, so said by my good fertility Dr.........

                 .IMAGINE,, the futility of my life, if these four , were not in it,,,,,,,,,,,, indeed .. it would have been one without passion..........................................................