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Wednesday 17 August 2011

.............decadent KHEER..............

on a bitterly cold ,  venomous Joburg afternoon in the midst of Ramadaan , ............ looking out of my kitchen window , dark and blustery .......................

                                  only a heartwarming pot of kheer would do ! ................

                      India boasts a variety of sweet deserts to pamper the sweet toothed...............
                   One of the most common deserts is a very simple preparation of rice and milk. This pudding is called Kheer............and is made with either vermicelli or rice and has become one of my favourite Indian deserts.........This creamy and sweet stove top pudding is fairly quick and easy to prepare , and can be  enjoyed served either piping hot or cold........................

...........  , a fellow blogger , Salma , passed on this recipe to me .......... i have tweaked it here and there , and i need to tell you , with a hint of a warning ! that this version is addictive , ultra rich and decadent and oh so moreish!!......................................

you will need

2 litres of milk ..............
1 cup of washed basmati rice
4 tablespoonfuls of sago

1 sachet or box of ready kheer mix .. this is entirely optional , for me personally this mix just  contains an amalgamation of all the ingredients that i use in the preparation of this dish in a much denser concentrated form............... adds depth and flavour ........... why not ?

                    add milk , rice , sago and kheer mix to a large pot
                    bring to a slow boil , stirring intermittently
                    thereafter lower heat and gently simmer for approximately half an hour
                    the mixture will gradually thicken  , become very creamy and evaporate slightly

        you can now add :
                                       1 large tin of condensed milk
                                       1 large tin of desert cream
                                       1 large tin of coconut milk
                                       100 g of slivered almonds
                                       elachi  -  cardomom powder ......... to suit your taste

simmer on a low heat , until very soft and mushy , as it simmers , it will thicken

you may thin the mixture down abit at this stage if you like , by adding extra milk

add sugar to taste , a cup , for this quantity , would not be excessive !
            i used more .............. i like it sweet ! ................
..............................but ,, it  really is up to you!...............

...................garnish with a sprinkle of elachi powder , slivers of almonds and pistachio............

......... enjoy as either an after dinner desert , , or as in my home , , cold for breakfast the next day !
